Thursday 28 February 2013

Article Distribution

Article Distribution Details
There are basically 2 big problems with the majority of article distribution systems out there:
» either they submit your content to a large number of automatically created worthless websites that don't really have any SEO importance and don't pass any "link juice" back to your website,
» or you figure out that they are using a script that's only working for one type of article directories, and your articles end up on a large number of websites that are basically the same.And if they somehow do get both those points right, well, they usually submit the same version of your article to all websites in their network. And that sure doesn't seem natural to the eyes of search engines, and doesn't do you much good.This is why we created our own distribution system. And we:
» only submit to well established websites and don't have any automatically created websites in our network,
» submit your articles to over 470 different platforms and software systems,
» submit a unique version of your article to each website in our network!
Article Distribution
 Article Distribution
 Article Distribution
 Article Distribution
 Article Distribution
 Article Distribution
 Article Distribution
 Article Distribution
 Article Distribution
 Article Distribution
 Article Distribution
 Article Distribution


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