Tuesday 26 February 2013

Article Marketing Tips

Article Marketing Tips Details
Last, but definitely not least are web2.0’s. Web2.0’s are sites like WordPress.com, Hubpages and Squidoo. They are sites that allow their users to post articles and create their own little blogs. SEO’s have been using web2.0’s as a means of boosting rankings and driving traffic for years.They hold a lot of weight in the search engines and are fantastic backlink sources. However lately they’ve been greatly devalued because of the thousands of spammers abusing their power. For tier 2 links you can build spun web2.0 backlinks.By spun web2.0 backlinks I mean a web2.0 that is created from a spun article. To build spun web2.0 backlinks you need to write/outsource an article, spin it and mass submit “unique” variations to all the top web2.0 sites.You can do this by using the famous Senuke, Magic Submitter or even by outsourcing via Fiverr or hiring some nerd in India to build them for you. To further power your tier 1 article backlinks you can build forum profiles and blog comments to your tier 2 web2.0’s. This creates a 2 tier structure much like a pyramid:
Article Marketing Tips
 Article Marketing Tips
 Article Marketing Tips
 Article Marketing Tips
 Article Marketing Tips
 Article Marketing Tips
 Article Marketing Tips
 Article Marketing Tips
 Article Marketing Tips
 Article Marketing Tips
 Article Marketing Tips
 Article Marketing Tips 

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