Thursday 28 February 2013

Marketing Plans

Marketing Plans Details
Planning sucks. None of us like to do it and if you’ve had any corporate experience in the process, it’s no wonder. But planning is an absolute necessity if you want to be successful.
So how do we reconcile our need to succeed with our propensity for procrastination?
Simple: Re-frame how you look at planning.

We hate planning because we remember the endless meetings, hours of research that doesn’t seem to get you closer to an answer and documents the size of War and Peace. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Developing a Marketing Plan is nothing more than setting goals and making a to-do list that will get you there. It’s really not much different than planning a party.
You’re basically creating a plan for inviting more people you love to give you money and then tell other people why they should give you their money too. Sounds like a party to me. How about you?
That’s why I’ve been working to develop really simple, one-page templates that can be used to develop marketing plans. I’d like to share two different ones with you. They’re designed to get you thinking and planning and making money, not writing lengthy documents.
Marketing Plans
 Marketing Plans
 Marketing Plans
 Marketing Plans
 Marketing Plans
 Marketing Plans
 Marketing Plans
 Marketing Plans
 Marketing Plans
 Marketing Plans
 Marketing Plans
 Marketing Plans    

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